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A huge marine protected area created in the Seychelles

With the help of several environmental organizations, the Seychelles government was able to create a huge marine reserve, covering more than 200,000 square kilometers.

The government of Seychelles announced on February 22, 2018 the creation of a vast marine protected area within the archipelago, in the Indian Ocean, to preserve its waters, essential to the development of its economy. The protected area will have an area of 210,000 km², or approximately 15% of the Seychelles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

“Our ocean is central to our development

This reserve is part of the “blue economy” concept, in which Seychelles, highly dependent on fishing and tourism, wants to base its future. “Our ocean creates opportunities for development, but also responsibilities,” said Seychelles’ Minister of the Environment, Didier Dogley. “Our ocean is central to our development and the future of generations to come. He described the creation of the reserve as “a paradigm shift in the way we manage and use our coastal and marine resources” […]

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